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I will tell you a Joke about Jouel and mary
It is neither a joke nor a [s]tory
For rubin and Charles has married two girles
But biley has married a boy
The girles he had tried on every Side
But none could he get to agree
All was in vain he went home again
And sens that he is married to natty

So biley and naty agreed very well
And momas well pleased at the matc[h]
The egg it is laid but Natys afraid
The Shell is So Soft that it will never hatc[h]
But betsy She Said you Cursed ball head
My suiter you never can be
Besides your low Croch proclaimes you a botch
And that never can answer for me

[poem written by Abraham Lincoln recounting the marriage of William "Billy" Greene and Natty Grigsby, as recounted by Elizabeth Crawford]

The circulating article, Marriage and Gays: What Would Lincoln Do? discusses what C.A. Tripp writes about the "predominately homosexual" tendencies of Abraham Lincoln. The discussion becomes particularly interesting in the month of February, where we celebrate Lincoln's birthday, Valentine's Day and National Freedom to Marry Week. The LGBT community selected the proximate date to Lincoln's birthday because he "was committed to equality, freedom, and calling Americans to the better angels of our nature." Lincoln admonished, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”